Auctions, public tenders, and open aids

From Pou Advocats, we offer a personalized service for those who wants to:

  1. Contract with the public administration through open tender procedures;
  1. Access to subsidies, prizes, financing or other administrative aids;
  1. Be informed and accompanied in real state auction procedures.


Such services would be executed according to the needs and interests of each client, and comprises the following actions:

  1. Follow-up of auctions, public tenders, and open aids according to the professional sector, the territory, and other interests of the client.
  1. Sending periodic reports of the bids, aids, or open real State auctions, with a brief summary of their content and access conditions.
  1. In case of showing interest in participating in any of the informed open procedures, preparation of the feasibility study and the documental requirements to initiate such procedure.
  1. Processing and monitoring of the procedure, and when appropriate, impugnation of the contractual conditions, third party offers, or adjudications made by the administration.
  1. Resolution of problems related to the execution of the tender, aid or adjudication.


In case of wishing more information about such services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 (34) 972 410 768